The Greatness of the Great Commission

The most serious error in much of the current 'prophetic' teaching of today is the claim that the future of Christendom is to be read not in terms of revival and victory, but of growing impotence and apostasy, and that the only hope of the world is that the Lord will by His visible coming and reign complete the task which He has so plainly entrusted to the church... 

This claim is pessimistic and defeatist. I hold it to be unscriptural. The language of the Great Commission is world-embracing... The duty of the church is to address herself to the achieving of this task in anticipation of her Lord's coming, and not expect Him to call her away to glory before her task in accomplished.

from the Foreword by O.T. Allis in a book entitled Israel and the New Covenant by Roderick Campbell

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