
Hey friend, it's wonderful that you are here today. Welcome to this new site..

Ours is truly an unprecedented time. A time when every means to spread the Good News about Jesus the Christ can be employed. Every legitimate form of communication and ever form of church structure can and should be utilized in the time which remains.

The battle for the heart, mind, and soul of every person and institution on earth is truly underway. As surely as victory has been promised so participation by all is required. What an opportunity!

The Church is called to a mission - not merely to "be the church." The mission is to spread the Good News and to make disciples of all nations. And much more, of course.

Our purposes at Simple Church are several. Our pursuit here is the great commission and the great commandment. Being the salt of the earth and lights in this dark world. Things like team-led churches and mutual ministry. Things like simplified leadership arrangements, outreach, tentmaking, and a world-view of victory in the days ahead.

In the spirit of the two ancient spies who returned from the promised land and declared against all odds, we enter the future: This land is God's and it can become ours according to his promise and command. Numbers 13-14. Today, the world still belongs to the Creator and we still desire to bring every person and every thought into joyful captivity to Him.

Finally, please notice that the Simple Church Network exercises no authority or control over any of the individuals or groups listed on this site. All is voluntary as it should be. Everyone is welcome to participate, to question, to inform, and to lift up others.

Also notice that our site is committed to the inerrancy of the inspired Scriptures in their original forms.

Do let us know if your church is without a pastor or unable to afford one. We can help your church to transition to the biblical model of team leadership.

David Anderson